My Nails!
For 21 years i have been a nail bighter...never had any white bits showing and have never been able to see the top of my nail from front of my hand, over my fingers.
One night....i just decided i needed to stop.
That was September 13th on the way to a SALSA DANCING cruise..never forget that night.
Now look at the little beauties.!
These ones have been cut and filed so they were longer but i like this length better.
At work (AYW) i kept scratching kids, accidently of course, even made one bleed at a canoe session but a bandaid and a dab of tea tree cream did the trick...not used to the length you see.
Mum is very proud of me, she has showed me how to keep them looking pretty and how to maintain the up-keep of them.
Both Mum and Dad have been great with all their support and love.

Why the Calf?.....well i think it hurts most there.
oh good work!
ps. i love your blankie
bahaha that's the best subtle piss take of the week :) *now that i've said that, i hope it was a piss take* :)
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