Sunday, February 11, 2007

Lisa's new job prevents her from doing things.

I just need to bring to everyone's attention that Lisa has not "Blogged" since August 30th 2006!
This is not to be "tutted" but rejoiced in a triumphant achievment.

Grey skies are gonna clear up.....

So today is day 4 of 4 days straight of rain.
Weirdest summer of my life.
This is a picture of outside my will notice that everything is wet and my pool is full and a nice shade of green.
Below is my birdbath with a fake frog in it.

It's Been Raining for sometime now.

Monday, February 05, 2007

New Australian Flag!

There has been talk of changing the Australian flag.....tell me your thoughts on these few designs.

I think who ever thought of this Design should be thrown across the room into a pit of evil.

And thats just a few..........